Old posters related to climate change.

Combining experiential learning with social justice

About HILL

Many of the major problems of our time can be analyzed through the prism of Location and Dislocation.

Through Humanities Integrated Locational Learning (HILL) we aim to to construct justice-based notions of land, place, and belonging in response to systemic racism, body and border policing, economic inequity, and global warming.

HILL encourages students to:

  1. Examine social dynamics through our humanities curriculum
  2. Advance innovative responses to interconnected issues
  3. Deepen investment to humanities majors so that change can be made

HILL Components

HILL consists of a three-component approach to understand the world around us within the current social reality.

Two of the three components are spatial, and the third is virtual.

Spatial Component

About the Beyond K Cluster

The Beyond Kalamazoo course clusters are focused on location or dislocation and emphasize place-based learning through an integrated travel component following designated location hubs:

  • New Orleans, Louisiana (Year 1, 2, and 3)
  • St. Louis, Missouri (Year 2 and 3)
  • San Diego, California (Year 3)

About the K Cluster

The Within Kalamazoo clusters emphasize a particular theme relevant to location or dislocation, where faculty directly collaborate on coursework that places those respective courses in conversation wand engages directly with social issues in the Kalamazoo community.

Virtual Component

Component Three: Digital Humanities Hub

About The Hub

This dimension of the project provides the digital site to publish, archive, and assess outcomes in relation to course work and partnerships beyond and within Kalamazoo.

This virtual component of our project captures the dynamic of place, movement, and connectedness – and the new knowledges and relational identities arising from our work – in a virtual map.

More information on The Hub coming soon!